Yes, natural diamond is not the only stone has that sparkling brilliance in the world. A piece of natural diamond jewelry can easily cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars, while there are much more affordable options, delivering really similar look.
Stem from S.A.N.D. jewelry’s commitment to supply trendy jewelries for your everyday outfit, natural diamond can never be a reasonable choice for us or our customers. No one, not even celebrities, would hang around with a 50,000 USD diamond piece day by day. And to meet the demand of everyday sparkling and shining, we decided to turn to lab-created cubic zirconia, the artificial simulant of diamond.
The very big reason of choosing cubic zirconia is of course the price. With more affordable raw materials, we managed to deliver the same shining styles for everyday wear.
Except for the price concern, cubic zirconia also outperforms diamonds (either natural or artificial) in the perspective of 1) sustainability and 2) clarity. Despite cubic zirconia is not as extremely durable as diamonds, nor exactly identical under professional examination, we believe we do find a close-to-perfect substitute to diamond in the area of fashion jewelry design and manufacturing.

Price: cubic zirconia is astonishingly affordable
Diamond, as a natural gemstone, is priced with its scarcity and marketing margin; while cubic zirconia is priced with its cost of manufacturing. When you buy a cubic-zirconia stone, you are paying for its raw material, electricity cost and manufacturers’ wage, nothing more. This explains why cubic zirconia, as laboratory-created brilliance, can be such a steal, in regard of its quality.

Essential Diamond Bracelet from a luxury brand, priced over 20,000 USD

S.A.N.D. Diamond Link Bracelet in cubic zirconia, priced at 29.99 USD, less than 1% of the real diamond bracelet. Really similar brilliance and design.
Sustainability: cubic zirconia is the most environmentally friendly sparkle
There are 3 traditional methods of diamond mining, 1) alluvial, 2) open-pit and underground, and 3) marine mining, producing the most of diamonds in the market. To discover a 1.0 carat raw diamond, 1,750 tons of earth needs to be extracted. Apart from the massive carbon emitted during the process, the diamond mining harms the environment in many negative ways, including deforestation, animal habitat destruction and pollutions.
Cubic zirconia is a much better alternative. Cubic zirconia has a smaller carbon footprint and does not make the undesirable impacts on environment as diamonds do, because it is created in labs and factories. When you're looking for attractive jewelry, cubic zirconia is an environmentally friendly option.
Sparkling Look: cubic zirconia is flawless and extremely similar to diamond
Cubic Zirconia is technically made from a composition of zirconium oxide, to resemble the look and feel of diamond.
Because of its origin and nature, cubic zirconia is virtually flawless; At your first glance, it is hard to tell a cubic zirconia stone from a best-graded diamond, as they have almost identical optical properties.
The difference only appears when the stones are moved under light. For diamond reflects light among multiple facets to create brilliance while cubic zirconia lacks the complex structure to create the “sparkle”. And cubic zirconia tends to create a more eye-catching colorful light effect compared to diamond under natural light.
S.A.N.D. Expertise in Cubic Zirconia
Cooperated with the top universities, S.A.N.D. invested intensively in state-of-the-art technologies to achieve better quality and cleaner production for the cubic zirconia used in our products
To achieve the zero-emission target, we have powered most of our cubic zirconia production with the solar energy and implanted energy storage systems in our studio.
We are dedicated to deliver the sparkles that are not only the most beautiful, but also the cleanest.